The world is currently experiencing an era of rapid technological advancement with new innovations emerging at an unprecedented pace. This has brought about a significant shift towards a more digital economy which is characterized by the digitalization of industries at an unprecedented scale, increased reliance on digital technologies, digitized processes, and a digitally adept and future-ready workforce. This is fundamentally transforming how businesses operate and interact with their customers in what is being called the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
As we enter the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the future of work increasingly becomes our new normal, we are faced with the opportunity to create a more sustainable and just future. This revolution differs from those of the past given the broad digitalization of industries and democratization of technology. Previously, few benefited from new technological innovations, leaving most people, especially diverse and minority communities, with few economic and professional advancement opportunities.
In this era no one is to be left behind, avoiding this new revolution will only mean making oneself irrelevant for productive work. Embracing the unfolding technologies and actively engaging in technological skill-set development qualifies each of us to be meaningful contributor to our communities’ and national development.
The digital revolution levels the playing field by offering more equitable access to quality content, digital literacy, technology, and the internet to everyone globally. It is this light that the YMCA Polytechnic College through its “Digital Equity Initiative” is making technology Available, Accessible and Affordable for ALL young people of Liberia. You cannot therefore afford to avoid being part of this global revolution.
Congratulations!! You are welcome onboard; this is just the beginning,